Important Information For Patients
Patients who have procedures performed at our state of art surgerical center enjoy the convenience of a central location to St Louis County. At City Place Surgery Center there is easily accessible parking and a streamlined registration process. The facility offers an inviting and comfortable environment designed for your safety and privacy. Patients can rest assured that the friendly and knowledgeable healthcare professionals on staff treats everyone with the utmost care and respect throughout their procedure. Surgery outcomes and patient experience are the true measures of our success.
Before surgery
Your doctor will advise you of any tests that may need to be performed by your primary care physician prior to surgery. Notify your surgeon before coming to the center if there is any change in your physical condition, such as a cold, fever, or a wound near your surgery site. If you become ill or take any new medications prior to your surgery, please notify your doctor immediately.
Making an appointment
If your surgeon determines you need a procedure or surgery, the surgery will be scheduled by your physician’s office at City Place Surgery Center. A staff member will contact you at 24 hours prior to your procedure. At this time, our staff will provide you with the exacty surgery time and instructions. Our staff may need to complete a brief health history during this call. If your appointment is less than 48 hours away, please call 314-872-7100.
The day of surgery
A member of the surgical center staff will call you the day prior to your surgery to obtain health and registration information. Our qualified staff will also be able to answer any questions you may have, and provide you with your arrival time.
Undergoing anesthesia
If you are undergoing anesthesia, do not eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of your surgery. Unless instructed by your physician, do not take any medication after midnight the day of your surgery. Please note: if you are a diabetic or taking blood pressure or heart medication obtain specific instructions from your physician. For women, if there is any possibility you are pregnant, please notify your surgeon. For all infants, including those who are breastfed, a parent or guardian should bring a bottle to the appointment. Please arrive 1 hour prior to your scheduled appointment time, unless otherwise advised. Remember, you will need a capable adult to drive you home.
How to prepare for surgery
You will receive information from our staff for specific information for your outpatient procedure or surgery. If you have been provided any paperwork, please complete prior to arrival. Listed below are some of the typical items for most patients:
Be accompanied by an adult
Please bring a responsible adult with you to your appointment. You will need to have someone to drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours after surgery. You may not drive yourself, be left alone, or leave the facility in public transportation unless accompanied by an adult. Failure to meet these guidelines could result in the cancellation of your procedure. We prefer the driver remain in the surgery center during the procedure.
Friends and family
Your family may wait in our lobby and rejoin you upon discharge. Please limit the number of people who accompany you. We suggest that adult patients be accompanied by only person to preserve the comfort of all visitors. Parents or guardians of minor patients must remain in the surgery center during the patient’s entire stay. Pediatric patients can be accompanied by both parents. Parents of pediatric patients are encouraged to bring a favorite stuffed animal or security blanket for added reassurance.
Power of attorney
If you hold power of attorney or guardianship over a patient, we require you paperwork prior to your procedure. You must bring a copy of a durable medical POA or guardianship papers in order to sign consents for that patient.
Immediately after surgery
Patients will be moved to our fully-equipped recovery room and monitored by our nursing and anesthesia staff until ready to return home. Plan to be in our recovery area for 15 minutes to 1 hour following surgery. You will receive written instructions for your care that may include activity, medication, diet and rest. Contact your physician if you have any questions or problems.
Upon discharge
Do not drive, smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, operate machinery or sign important papersfor 24 hours following surgery. A nurse from our surgery staff will contact you the next working day to check your status. Please note t is your responsibility to make advance arrangements for a responsible adult to drive you home. You need to be accompanied by a capable adult for the first 24 hours after surgery. Contact our facility or your physician if you have any additional questions about your recovery.
Our Specialties
City Place Surgery Center is a fully-equipped ambulatory surgery center (ASC). Our surgical suites are equipped with state-of-the-art technology to perform outpatient surgical procedures. Our physicians treat many orthopedic, neurological and pain management medical conditions.